A Printed Magazine With Your Favorite Newsletters

MagicLetter arrives at your doorstep every week, filled with articles from authors you love to read online.

A cover shot of a sample magazine

Discover the internet through the focus of print.

A cover shot of a sample magazine

Tailor-made. Just for you.

We integrate with your preferred bookmarking services and publishing platforms so that each magazine is filled with your favorite internet authors.

A cover shot of a sample magazine

Put your devices away and focus.

We believe incredible long-form content deserves undivided attention. Step away from the addictive feeds and variable rewards to immerse yourself in content you love.

7 magazine covers


$24A check markmo

  • A check markDelivered to your doorstep
  • A check mark1 issue every two weeks
  • A check markUp to 90 pages per issue
  • A check markIncludes shipping (US Only)
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